Kenneth Sim
Managing Director (Strategy and Research)
Kenneth is Managing Director (Strategy and Research) at the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG). In this role, he oversees the development and communications of CIG’s strategies, and sets the direction for CIG’s research endeavours, including the Chandler Good Government Index.
Kenneth is an experienced public policy practitioner and a former Singapore Administrative Service officer, with almost 20 years of work experience covering both policy development and implementation. Kenneth has held key appointments in varied portfolios including industry development, casino regulation, education, energy policy and environmental sustainability. Kenneth had also served as Special Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister.
Outside of the public service, Kenneth was Lead Consultant with Times Higher Education, a UK-based publication house and education services company, where he provided expert advice to senior university and government leaders on university strategy and performance benchmarking.
Kenneth graduated with a BA in Economics and Sociology from Columbia University, which he attended on an Overseas Merit Scholarship awarded by the Singapore Public Service Commission.