Enhancing Trust in Investments with India’s Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion

INDIA, 29 FEBRUARY 2020 — The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) and India's Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion (Invest Punjab) began a partnership on 27 February 2020 to enhance the strategies and processes for engaging investors and encouraging investments in Punjab. This partnership takes place under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Punjab formalised on 26 February 2020.

CIG and Invest Punjab senior leadership and officers discussing the areas of priority for collaboration.
CIG and Invest Punjab senior leadership and officers discussing the areas of priority for collaboration.

Ms Vini Mahajan, Additional Chief Secretary, Investment Promotion, Industries & Commerce, Information Technology, Governance Reforms & Public Grievances, Government of Punjab, and Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Invest Punjab, held a brainstorming session with Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of CIG, Dr Gyanendra Badgaiyan, Member of CIG’s Board of Directors, and members of the Invest Punjab and CIG team, to decide on the priority areas for collaboration between both organisations.

Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of the Chandler Institute of Governance, emphasised CIG’s commitment to the partnership and discussed CIG’s areas of support.
Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of the Chandler Institute of Governance, emphasised CIG’s commitment to the partnership and discussed CIG’s areas of support.

Addressing the Invest Punjab senior leadership and team, Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of the Chandler Institute of Governance said:

“CIG is happy to share good practices not just from Singapore but elsewhere to support your team and enhance your work. We look to your guidance as well because there is a lot of experience in this room.”
Mr Wu Wei Neng
Executive Director of Chandler Institute of Governance
CIG expert Mr Lim Chin Chong shared strategies for supporting investors through effective land policies, inter-agency coordination and the design of good industrial infrastructure and facilities.
CIG expert Mr Lim Chin Chong shared strategies for supporting investors through effective land policies, inter-agency coordination and the design of good industrial infrastructure and facilities.

Invest Punjab’s senior leadership and officers then attended a sharing session with CIG’s expert Mr Lim Chin Chong. Mr Lim shared his extensive experience in designing and managing industrial parks, and providing land and infrastructure support to investors. Mr Lim is the former Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Investment and Development Co. Ltd, and the former Director of Customer Services Group and Specialised Parks Development Group of JTC Corporation. Addressing Mr Lim and the CIG team, Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Invest Punjab said:

“The ideas you have given and experiences you have shared definitely come in handy for us. We will go a long way together.”
Mr Rajat Agarwal
Chief Executive Officer of Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion

CIG also invited a senior expert, Mr Satya Prakash Tucker, to share his experiences in attracting investment in Andhra Pradesh, and successful practices from different states and countries in investment promotion. Mr Tucker is the former (Special) Chief Secretary and former Executive Vice Chairman of the Economic Development Board, Government of Andhra Pradesh, and the current Chairman and Chief Mentor of the Poverty Learning Foundation.

Invest Punjab officers participating in a workshop conducted by CIG.
Invest Punjab officers participating in a workshop conducted by CIG.

Following this visit, CIG and Invest Punjab will continue this partnership through several workstreams including research support; enhancing the processes of investor outreach, investment facilitation and regulatory approval; talent and skills development for Invest Punjab officers; and improving the attractiveness of Punjab as an investment venue. Both organisations will also work together by sharing knowledge, good practices and skills.

Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Invest Punjab, affirmed the work and results of both the Invest Punjab and CIG teams.
Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Invest Punjab, affirmed the work and results of both the Invest Punjab and CIG teams.

Ms Vini Mahajan, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab; Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Invest Punjab; Ms Isha Khalia, Additional Chief Executive Officer, Invest Punjab; Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director, Chandler Institute of Governance; Dr Gyanendra Badgaiyan, Member of Board of Directors, Chandler Institute of Governance; and Invest Punjab and CIG officers.
Ms Vini Mahajan, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab; Mr Rajat Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Invest Punjab; Ms Isha Khalia, Additional Chief Executive Officer, Invest Punjab; Mr Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director, Chandler Institute of Governance; Dr Gyanendra Badgaiyan, Member of Board of Directors, Chandler Institute of Governance; and Invest Punjab and CIG officers.

About the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG)

The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) is an international non-profit organisation, headquartered in Singapore. We believe in a world where citizens have a deep sense of trust in their governments and public institutions, and where nations are governed by principled, wise leaders supported by an effective civil service. Trust and effective governance serve as a strong foundation for national development and prosperity. CIG supports governments in building government talent, leadership and public service capabilities through training programmes, research initiatives and advisory work. We are not affiliated with any national government or political party, and we do not represent any partisan or commercial interests. For more news and information, visit https://www.chandlerinstitute.org or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST

About the Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion (Invest Punjab)

Invest Punjab is the lead agency of the Government of Punjab for facilitating global business in state of Punjab. Invest Punjab supports both international and domestic investments, and functions as the single point of contact for the facilitation of investors. It is also a one-stop office for providing state-level regulatory clearances and approvals for fiscal incentives for investments. For more news and information, visit http://investpunjab.gov.in/ or follow Invest Punjab on Twitter @invest_punjab, and Facebook and LinkedIn @investpunjab

For media clarifications, please contact:

Dominic GABRIEL (Mr)
Communications Manager
Chandler Institute of Governance
Email: Dominic.Gabriel@Chandlerinstitute.org

Clarissa LI (Ms)
Manager, Programmes and Partnerships
Chandler Institute of Governance
Email: Clarissa.Li@Chandlerinstitute.org