CIG Conducts Inaugural Working Discussions with the Government of Rwanda

KIGALI (RWANDA), 22 APRIL 2022 — The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) has concluded its inaugural working visit to Rwanda from 19 to 22 April 2022, led by Executive Director Wu Wei Neng.

The CIG team visited various government ministries and agencies, and governance experts in the capital of Kigali, to learn more about the systems, institutions and key priorities of the Government of Rwanda, share updates on CIG’s partnership models and the Chandler Good Government Index, and explore collaboration with government and research organisations in Rwanda.

During the visit, CIG met with leaders, officials and experts from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, the Ministry of Public Service and Labour, Rwanda Cooperation, Rwanda Governance Board, Rwanda Management Institute, and the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research.

Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Cooperation, Ambassador Christine Nkulikiyinka, speaking
with CIG

Improving Mutual Understanding and Identifying Areas of Collaboration

One of CIG’s key areas of work is the learning and sharing of good practices and experiences from governments around the world. CIG and the Government of Rwanda discussed Rwanda’s distinctive Home Grown Solutions, and the Government’s key policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Executive Director, Wu Wei Neng, speaking at the meeting with Rwanda Governance Board

CIG also learnt how the Government of Rwanda tracks and measures its performance and outcomes through innovative tools such as the Rwanda Governance Scorecard and the Citizen Report Card. Both sides discussed the importance of training and skills development in public sector capabilities such as human resource policies, performance management, planning and leadership development.

Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of CIG with Abimana Fidèle, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Service and Labour
Rwanda Cooperation sharing their work with CIG
Wu Wei Neng, Executive Director of CIG with Charline Mulindahabi (second from left), Director General, Rwanda Management Institute

The Government of Rwanda and CIG also discussed possible areas of mutual interest and collaboration in support of national priorities and goals in the lead up to Vision 2050.

About the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG)

The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) is an international non-profit organisation, headquartered in Singapore. We believe in a world where citizens have a deep sense of trust in their governments and public institutions, and where nations are governed by principled, wise leaders supported by an effective civil service. Trust and effective governance serve as a strong foundation for national development and prosperity. CIG supports governments in building government talent, leadership and public service capabilities through training programmes, government projects and partnerships, and research initiatives. We are not affiliated with any national government or political party, and we do not represent any partisan or commercial interests.

For more news and information, visit or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST

For media clarifications, please contact:

Dominic GABRIEL (Mr)
Communications Manager
Chandler Institute of Governance

KOH Yi Ting (Ms)
Manager, Government Projects and Partnerships
Chandler Academy of Governance