CAG Conducts Training on Building Effective Institutions and Systems for Senior Vietnamese Leaders

SINGAPORE, 5 December 2022 — The Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG), in collaboration with the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) of Vietnam, has successfully delivered the third segment of the Modern and Effective National Governance Programme for Emerging Leaders (MENGPEL).

 This segment, which took place in Singapore from 28 November to 2 December 2022, focused on building effective government institutions and systems. These are the foundations for an effective public service, and supports the building of strong nations. Specific themes included corruption control and development of public sector human resource management systems.

Soh Kee Hean, former Director of Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, discussing with participants about Singapore’s experiences in corruption control
Kenneth Sim, Dean of CAG sharing about the role of government leaders in stewarding the national story, the building blocks for national story and how story affects policy making

As part of the programme, the participants attended learning journeys to different parts of Singapore to observe policy implementation and public service delivery on the ground. These included visits to Temasek Polytechnic, the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Singapore’s residential heartlands. Through these learning journeys, participants were able to better understand the role that public institutions played in Singapore’s economic and social development journey.

Participants visiting the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) to understand land use planning in Singapore
Participants visiting the Smart E-Commerce Centre in Temasek Polytechnic (TP)

The participants were also asked to reflect on Singapore’s developmental experience and discuss application to the Vietnamese context. To facilitate this, participants also engaged in dialogues with former senior public sector leaders from Singapore and Vietnam.

Vu Minh Khuong, Advisory Council Member of CIG, and Former Deputy Chief of the Haiphong City Government Office (Vietnam), sharing perspectives with the programme participants
Participants having a dialogue on Public Sector Leadership and Decision-Making with Mr Lam Chuan Leong, Former Permanent Secretary in the Government of Singapore

More information about the objectives and overall design of MENGPEL can be found here.

About the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG)

The Chandler Institute ofGovernance (CIG) is an international non-profit organisation, headquartered inSingapore. We believe in a world where citizens have a deep sense of trust intheir governments and public institutions, and where nations are governed byprincipled, wise leaders supported by an effective civil service. Trust andeffective governance serve as a strong foundation for national development andprosperity. CIG supports governments in building government talent, leadershipand public service capabilities through training programmes, researchinitiatives and advisory work. We are not affiliated with any nationalgovernment or political party, and we do not represent any partisan orcommercial interests.

For more news and information, visit or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST

About the Chandler Academy of Governance, (CAG)

The Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG) is the training arm ofCIG. CAG complements and supports CIG’s work by designing and deliveringtraining programmes that are practitioner-oriented, to equip government leaderswith capabilities required to meet the realities and demands of public servicework. CAG works with its panel of adjunct trainers and subject matter expertsin the design and delivery of these programmes.

For more information about CAG, please visit

For media clarifications, please contact:

Dominic GABRIEL (Mr)
Communications Manager
Chandler Institute of Governance

Nicole SEH (Ms)
Executive, Programmes
Chandler Institute of Governance

ONG Wee Teng (Ms)
Manager, Programmes
Chandler Institute of Governance